What is a typical retainer fee for a divorce attorney? This episode provides some information about what you can expect for a divorce lawyer retainer.
The retainer you will have to provide to your divorce lawyer will depend upon a lot of things. Regardless, you can expect a retainer to fall within a typical range of amounts. Some lawyers might offer a flat fee for your divorce which means you will not have to provide a retainer. In Central Florida, divorce lawyer retainer fees usually fall within a typical range of amounts. And fortunately, Leap Frog divorce offers convenient financing options with low monthly payments.
Show Transcript
Hi, welcome, everybody. I’m attorney A.J. Grossman with Leap Frog Divorce. I’m a divorce lawyer, a certified family mediator, and a dispute resolution specialist.
So a question I get a lot is, what is a typical retainer for a divorce lawyer? So this question is going to vary, it’s going to vary based upon which part of the state you’re in. It’s going to vary upon what kind of a lawyer are you talking to? Are you talking to a lawyer who, like myself, focuses 100% of their practice on doing divorce work and divorce-related matters? Or are you talking to somebody like a criminal lawyer, or an immigration lawyer, maybe a bankruptcy lawyer, who also does a little bit of family law on the side?
I can tell you that an average retainer that I would expect if I was looking for a divorce lawyer, is going to typically be somewhere between $2,000 and $5,000, if not more. There are some divorce lawyers here in Central Florida who charge a $10,000 flat fee, if you will, in lieu of a retainer, to take your case through one mediation.
There are other lawyers depending upon the complexity of the case. If you have a lot of assets, let’s say you have some vacation homes, maybe you have multiple businesses, some complexity to your financial estate, then a lawyer might charge you a little bit more, maybe $7,000, $8,000, $10,000, $15,000 wouldn’t be unheard of for a very complex case with a lot of issues. But in general, I would say expect a divorce lawyer’s retainer fee to be somewhere between $2,000 and $5,000.
I hope this information was helpful for you. If it was helpful, please subscribe. I’ve got videos coming out once a week that I think you’ll find very helpful. So again, I’m A.J. Grossman, divorce lawyer with Leap Frog Divorce, be well.