When searching for a lawyer, people often ask whether they need a shark of a lawyer or someone a bit more compassionate. They also think that because I generally lead with compassion, empathy, and kindness that it means I can’t be a shark. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
When it’s needed, I will be unyielding or resolute in order to achieve the best outcome for my client. I just don’t find it necessary to maintain that mindset during a one-on-one chat with a client or during coaching sessions. I save my ‘dark side’ for the courtroom.
I find it best if you get a mix of dark and light in a lawyer when choosing who will help present your case. If you choose an aggressive lawyer, you lose out on the psychology of the case. If you choose a lawyer who is only empathic and cooperative, you miss that determined and unwavering support of a shark.
It’s important to have a balance.
Show Transcript
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, everyone. And thank you for joining me today. Do you really need an aggressive lawyer, or will a good-natured lawyer be enough? Let’s talk about that.
You know, many people talk about needing an aggressive lawyer or a shark of a lawyer. And they think that because I lead with compassion, patience, empathy, and kindness, that I must not be that guy. You’re very likely to see me smiling or playing the guitar because I love making music and living my life in a positive way. And you should know that I will also be unyielding and resolute when necessary, and certainly if I’m in a divorce trial.
You know, those determined, aggressive moments aren’t usually necessary when I’m having a one-on-one chat with a client or while I’m in a coaching session. But when circumstances require a fight, I can pack a punch and have done so successfully for my clients for well over a decade.
You know, I believe that both sides, the light and the dark, are required for a lawyer to be effective. If you only have an aggressive attorney, you’ll miss on the nuance of psychology. If you only have an empathic, cooperative lawyer, you won’t benefit from a determined, unwavering attorney. So I built my firm Leap Frog Divorce around being both.
Yes, I lead with amicable solutions because I fundamentally believe in that life philosophy. However, I’ve won many cases by having to yield purposeful, assertive, and confrontational language to reach my client’s goals, which is always to the benefit of my clients no matter what.
Thank you for joining me today. I’m A.J. Grossman, divorce lawyer and certified family mediator with Leap Frog Divorce. If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day.