You may have heard of ‘The Great Resignation’ or that a lot of employees are quitting their jobs and transitioning to new ones. Having a high employee turnover rate is not optimal for businesses. That is why I wanted to start a series of tips to keep employee turnover rates at a minimum while boosting company morale.
The first tip I’d like to share is to ask the employee what is important to them. My suggestion is to ask them that question in their initial interview so you can get an idea of what motivates them personally. You can ask them what they were not getting at their previous job that enticed them to look elsewhere.
The fact is that you’ll never know what your employee is looking for if you don’t ask.
- ‘What are you not getting that will help you do your job better?’
- ‘What are you not getting that will help you achieve that work/life balance?’
- ‘What do you need that we can provide that will help you feel more satisfied?’
Odds are that your employee will wholeheartedly appreciate the fact that you cared enough to ask.
Show Transcript
In this video, I’m going to talk about how to keep your employees. Hi, everybody. I’m A.J. Grossman, divorce lawyer, and owner of Leap Frog Divorce.
So right now, we’re in this period of time that they’re calling the Great Resignation, where loads and loads of people are quitting their jobs, or transitioning to different careers. What have you. So what can you do to keep employees?
Well, there are lots of tips. In this video, I want to give you my first number one tip, and that is, to ask them what’s important to them? What do they need? Hopefully, in your interview with them before you hire them, you asked them what it was they weren’t getting from their either current employer at the time or past employer that caused them to look elsewhere.
If you don’t ask, you’ll never know. It’s kind of like in negotiation. You never get what you don’t ask for. You’ll never get answers to those questions you don’t ask. So come right out and ask them.
What’s important to you? So you’ve been in this job for 90 days now. What are you not getting that will help you do your job better? What are you not getting that will help you achieve that work-life balance that you told me about when we had our interview? You know, what is it that you need, that we can provide that will help you feel more satisfied? You know, just ask it could be about anything, but if you don’t ask you’ll never know. And I can almost guarantee you that your employee is going to be so grateful that you cared enough to ask.
I hope you found this video helpful. If you have please like and subscribe. I’m releasing new videos all the time. And if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day and be well